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Anabilim Dalları

Anabilim Dalı Öğretim Üyesine Ait Bilgiler
Unvanı,Adı ve Soyadı Doç. Dr.Suat ÜNAL
Anabilim Dalı
Bilim Dalı Kimya E?itimi
Uzmanlık Alanları 1. Kavram Ö?retimi
  2. Bilgisayar Destekli E?itim
3. Ö?retim Materyalleri Geli?tirme
Doktora Derecesini Aldığı Üniversite, Ülke Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi, TÜRK?YE
Telefon 0 462 248 23 05 - 37
E-Posta suatunal@ktu.edu.tr
Kişisel Web Sitesi http://enformatik.ktu.edu.tr/eakademik/3084/
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Seçilmiş Bazı Yayınları 1. Ünal, S., Co?tu, B. (2005) Problematic Issue for Students: Does It Sink or Float? Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching, 6 (1), Article 3.
  2. Ünal, S., Çal?k, M., Ayas, A., Coll, R.K. (2006). A review of chemical bonding studies: Needs, aims, methods of exploring students’ conceptions, general knowledge claims, and students’ alternative conceptions. Research in Science & Technological Education, 24 (2), 141-172.
3. Co?tu, B., Ayas, A., Niaz, M., Ünal, S., Çal?k, M. (2007). Facilitating Conceptual Change in Students’ Understanding of Boiling Concept. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 16 (6), 524-536. 
4. Çal?k, M., Ayas, A., Coll, R.K., Ünal, S., Co?tu, B. (2007). Investigating the Effectiveness of a Constructivist-based Teaching Model on Student Understanding of the Dissolution of Gases in Liquids. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 16 (3), 257-270. 
5. Co?tu, B., Ünal, S. (2007). A Hands-on Activity to Promote Conceptual Change about Mixtures and Chemical Compounds. Journal of Baltic Science Education, 6 (1), 35-46.

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