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Anabilim Dalları
Mimarlık Anabilim Dalı Ders Bilgileri

Ders Adı


Mimari Tasar?m Bürosu Yönetimi

Ders Kodu

: MIM 7300
Ders İçeriği(Türkçe) : Bilgisayar teknolojisi sistemati?inin mimari tasar?m bürolar?na uygulanmas?. Profesyonel ya?ant?dan çe?itli uygulamalarla ö?rencinin mimarl?k mesle?ini yaparken kar??la?aca?? sorunlar ve çözümleri simüle edilmektedir.

Ders İçeriği(İngilizce)

: This course is for advanced students who have a research agende or specific project involved with computer representatition, visualization and construction documents preparation. The course is run as a lab/seminar where individuals are responsible for their own reseach agenda and its fullfillment. Students are expected to be familiar with the principles of CAAD (Computer-Aided Architectural Design), the theories and methods on which it is founded, and its principal applications in practice (generating, evaluating, modeling, drafting, and rendereing design solutions) The course provides a forum for serious discussion and exploration of emerging fields in computer rendering, painting, modeling, animation, multimedia, and designb as well as issues related to those fields. Specific interest  

Ders Saati


Teo. Ders:   

3  Uyg.: 0   Lab.: 0 

Ders Kredisi



 FBE Anasayfa